How do I apply for a place at Meir Heath Academy ?
If your child’s 5th birthday is between 1 September 2025 and 31 August 2026 then you will need to apply for a Reception Class Place for September 2025.
Meir Heath has 60 places for September 2025.
Did you know...

Last year, every child who wanted a Reception place at Meir Heath Academy was offered a place!
When/how can I apply? – Stoke on Trent Addresses
The quickest and easiest way is to apply online to the Local Authority where you pay your council tax.
For parents living in Stoke on Trent, who pay their council tax to Stoke on Trent authority:
The online service opens for applications November 2024. The closing date for applications is January 2025.
The website for applications to Stoke on Trent is Citizen Portal - Sign in (
When/how can I apply? – Staffordshire Addresses
The quickest and easiest way is to apply online to the Local Authority where you pay your council tax. If you are unsure then you can check at by entering your post code
For parents living in Staffordshire and paying council tax to a Staffordshire borough (moorlands, Stafford borough etc):
The online service opens in November 2024 for applications. The closing date for applications in January 2025.
The website for applications to Staffordshire County Council is:
Admission to primary and middle schools - Staffordshire County Council
Admission Surgeries
We will be running Admission Surgeries to help families complete the online admissions form.
Please call the office to book an appointment.
The National offer date for all reception places is April 2025. If you have applied online you will receive your school place offer by e mail on offer day.
Important points to consider…
If you live at a Stoke on Trent postcode, even though we are a Staffordshire school, you can still name us as a first preference – the only difference is that you would apply via Stoke on Trent Admissions. Stoke admissions send all our applications to the Staffordshire admissions team and they are all considered against our admissions criteria at the same time.
A large % of our children come from Stoke on Trent postcodes so please don’t let this put you off.
Admissions strongly advise you to make more than one preference. You will not gain an advantage by only listing one.
Do not list the same school 3 times.
Admissions consider all applications at the same time. Priority is not given to those who put the school as a first preference, or on a ‘first come first served’ basis.
If you miss the deadline, contact your relevant Local Authority admissions team to make a late application as soon as possible.
Even if you have an older sibling at the school you must apply for the younger one.
For places in other years groups within the academic year:
The school deals with its own mid year admissions. If you wish to apply for a place in one of our current year groups please get it touch with the school office.
Contact Us
If you would like to arrange a visit to our school please email:-