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Wrap Around Care

We have very good provision for before and after school care and always try to consider the needs of the working parent.


The provision on the school site is run by ‘Kids Aloud’, but there are also a number of other providers who bring children to and from their premises off site. Please contact providers directly.


There are also a number of childminders who carry out this role. Please contact the school and we may be able to help you get in touch with a local childminder.

Before and After-School Clubs

Kids Aloud Club at Blythe Bridge Day Nursery

195 Uttoxeter Road 

ST11 9HQ

Telephone: 01782 399324 or 07501221488

Children’s First Day Nursery (0-11years)

Lysander Road,


Telephone 01782 388353

Meir Heath Academy, Golborn Avenue, Meir Heath, Staffordshire, ST3 7JQ


Office Manager: Mrs R Crump

Telephone Number: 01782 393856



Children arrive at school from: 8:45am

School closes at: 3.30pm


September 2024 onwards

 Drop off and Pick Up


Reception 8.45am - 3.20pm 

Year 1 8.45am -  3.20pm 

Year 2 8.45am - 3.25pm 

Year 3 8.45am - 3.20pm 

Year 4 8.45am - 3.25pm 

Year 5 8.45am - 3.30pm 

Year 6 8.45am - 3.30pm 


**Statutory Hours required 32.5 hours

Meir Heath Academy is operated by St. Bart’s Multi-Academy Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (registered number 08735454). Registered office: Sussex Place, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 4TP. **Media is for the purpose of family members only. We do not give permission to any third parties to use or share images/videos from our website. Thank you.

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