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Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Askey. 


Should Mrs Askey be unavailable, Mrs Southern will be happy to talk to you.


At Meir Heath Academy we aim to be at the forefont in keeping your child safe online. The Internet is an invaluable resource that children should be taught to use critically and safely. All children must understand the risks of using the Internet, yet not find it a scary place. Through educating our children we ensure they are safe users.

Meir Heath Academy, Golborn Avenue, Meir Heath, Staffordshire, ST3 7JQ


Office Manager: Mrs R Crump

Telephone Number: 01782 393856



Children arrive at school from: 8:45am

School closes at: 3.30pm


September 2024 onwards

 Drop off and Pick Up


Reception 8.45am - 3.20pm 

Year 1 8.45am -  3.20pm 

Year 2 8.45am - 3.25pm 

Year 3 8.45am - 3.20pm 

Year 4 8.45am - 3.25pm 

Year 5 8.45am - 3.30pm 

Year 6 8.45am - 3.30pm 


**Statutory Hours required 32.5 hours

Meir Heath Academy is operated by St. Bart’s Multi-Academy Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (registered number 08735454). Registered office: Sussex Place, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 4TP. **Media is for the purpose of family members only. We do not give permission to any third parties to use or share images/videos from our website. Thank you.

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