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About Early Years
In our Early Years setting we provide an exciting, challenging, vibrant and stimulating environment to engage children with their education.
Our aim is for all pupils to get the best possible start to their school learning journey by providing a fun, safe, purposeful and engaging curriculum.
We recognise that parents are their child's first educators. We work together in partnership, to ensure that both parenting and high quality early learning build the essential foundation which children need to reach their potential.

Curriculum Overview

The Foundation Stage Curriculum is based on seven areas of learning consisting of the Prime Areas; Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Communication and Language and the Specific Areas; Literacy, Mathematics, Expressive Arts and Design and Understanding of the World.
All children learn across the seven areas of learning and they learn through their play with a combinations of child initiated and teacher led learning opportunities both indoors and outdoors. Children are observed during both guided teacher learning and during play in order to assess their stages of development and to plan for their next steps and their future learning.
We teach phonics and reading through a Government accredited scheme called Supersonic Phonic Friends.
At Meir Heath Academy we are committed to developing the whole child through a broad and balanced curriculum that challenges, engages and motivates children to learn independently.
We use the Development Matters document (Revised July 2021) and Birth to Five Matters document to plan purposeful play opportunities which create the enabling environment necessary for the children to display the Characteristics of Effective Learning. The EYFS environment inspires the children to make their own choices and enables them to demonstrate the characteristics of effective play, which are:
Playing and Exploring - Children investigate and experience things and are willing to try new things.
Active Learning - Children concentrate and build up their resilience. They will keep on trying if they find something challenging and will also enjoy their achievements.
Creating and Thinking Critically - Children have and develop their own ideas; make links between ideas and develop strategies for doing things. They can see the links between different areas of learning and can apply their skills and knowledge across these areas.
Each child and their needs are unique. We respect individuality and encourage independence for all children, whilst making learning fun and memorable through purposeful play. The highly qualified and experienced staff plan exciting and innovative activities based on their thorough knowledge of the children's stage development and interests. Our provision is further advanced by enhancements such as visitors to school, dress up days, hooks to excite learning and planned external visits that develop knowledge and understanding of the world.

Intent, implementation and Impact
Our Curriculum Intent
Here at Meir Heath Academy we aim to deliver the content of the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework, giving children a secure foundation for future learning and enabling them to achieve their potential in all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Curriculum Implementation
Here at Meir Heath Academy learning takes place through a balance of child initiated play and adult led learning. This includes the direct teaching of reading, writing, phonics and maths mastery. There are daily opportunities for children to practise and consolidate their growing knowledge through high quality provision that promotes child-initiated learning. Opportunities to practise reading and writing skills are provided in all areas of our continuous provision, both indoors and outdoors.
Curriculum Impact
Here at Meir Heath Academy we aim for our pupils to become well rounded individuals who form positive relationships with both adults and peers. We strive for our children to become independent, curious learners who explore, take risks and ask meaningful questions. We aim to ensure that our children are confident learners who are already for the next stage in their learning journey.
Learning Through Play
Here at Meir Heath Academy we promote learning through play, as it is a vital part of an Early Years pupil's development. Young children learn best when they explore and experience things first-hand, often through play. Play is essential to development as it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social and emotional well-being of children. It allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity and physical strength. Play is also important to healthy brain development as it enables children to learn about themselves, their environment and the world around them.

Learning and development opportunities are planned around each child's needs and interests. These are regularly assessed and reviewed. Continuous provision opportunities are changed weekly, both indoors and outdoors, taking into account the interests of our children. All pupils access both indoor and outdoor provision daily. Our provision provides children with opportunities to be active and physical, as well as quiet and reflective.
Adults in our EYFS setting respond to individual needs and interests. We guide our pupils' development through warm, positive interactions in an encouraging, stimulating and well-planned indoor and outdoor environment. Our team are experienced in supporting children to make the most of learning opportunities, whilst consistently challenging and extending learning thorough skilful interactions.
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